Business men and women may be given temporary entrance into Canada if they meet certain criteria. Before leaving on a trip to this thriving country, all of the following do’s and don’ts should be considered by those planning business travel in Canada:
The Do’s for Business Travel to Canada
- Do carry a United States passport, a certified birth certificate, or naturalization papers.
- Do make sure to have a current photo I.D.
- Do consider applying for a trusted traveler’s card if you make frequent business trips into Canada.
- Do make sure that you have health insurance which covers you while you are in other countries.
- Do keep all current prescription drugs in their original, clearly labeled bottles.
- Do consider a central location when booking lodging or an extended stay residence for longer visits since this will save time and money. This type of residence may also have better office facilities, conference rooms, and exercise equipment.
- Do consider eating at local restaurants to enjoy the taste of Canadian cuisine or booking lodging with a kitchen if you prefer to prepare your own meals or have special needs.
- Do check into the easiest mode of transportation to the office before leaving home. Canada offers trains, taxis, rental cars and planes, but some of these should be booked early.
- Do fill out a custom’s declaration card for any business equipment being taken into Canada.
The Don’ts for Business Travel to Canada
- Don’t bring more than two hundred cigarettes, two hundred grams of tobacco, fifty cigars, or two hundred tobacco sticks in your personal baggage.
- Don’t buy gifts of over sixty dollars to take back home with you unless you are planning to pay taxes and duties on any excess amount.
- Don’t forget to apply for a waiver of exclusion if you have ever had a conviction for drunk driving.
- Don’t forget to consider the differences in temperature when packing suitable attire.
- Don’t forget to exchange business cards with those you will wish to contact in the future.
Any savvy business traveler to Canada should do his or her homework before leaving. Talking to someone who frequently makes this trip should be extremely helpful.
To prevent any major problems from occurring, updates on new rules and regulations concerning business travel to Canada can always be researched online just before the travel deadline.
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